Wednesday, August 31, 2011

© Shaw Capital Management and Financing.

Specialist in International Shipping

Welcome to Shaw Capital Management
Value of great service... Help grow your business...
Shaw Capital Management and Financing provide same-day-funding. We can help you meet your cashflow needs immediately without entering into a long term factoring relationship. The money you get for the freight bills we purchase is payment in full.
Shaw Capital Management and Financing offer a complete line of factoring services, purchase order funding, asset based financing, accounts receivable management, and other related financial services.
Shaw Capital Management and Financing offer funding for a wide range of industries and flexible funding requirements that most businesses can easily qualify for.
Based in Baltimore, Maryland. Importing into the tri-state area mostly from the far east such as China, Thailand, Taiwan and South Korea.
For your convenience, we have associate offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei and Seoul in S Korea.
At Shaw Capital Management - No financials needed - and with Flexible terms...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Shaw Capital Management | The Boiler Room for Groups

The Boiler Room for Groups

Shaw Capital Management  | The Boiler Room for GroupsTo download our Teachers' and Group Organizers' Package click here.

Come and experience the thrill of indoor wall climbing. Bring your group to the Boiler Room for a unique and rewarding adventure.
If you have eight or more people and you schedule with us at least 48 hours ahead of time, you qualify for our specialgroup rates. We'll provide you with the basic instruction you need to have a safe and rewarding group experience.
The Boiler Room is a great place for group experiences. Whether it's a birthday party, a youth group, a school group, your work colleagues, or just a bunch of friends, you're sure to have a good time. Teamwork, communication, trust, strategy, problem solving, challenge and most of all… FUN. Climbing is a highly interactive and social activity that helpspeople of all ages build confidence in themselves and others in their group.
If the participants in your group are age 14 or older, they're eligible to take our Basic Safety Training Lesson. We'll teach them how to tie the safety knots, how to manage the safety ropes (called "belaying"), and basic climbing technique.
If the participants in your group are younger than 14, we ask that you bring at least one adult (or person over the age of 14) for every 4 climbers in your group. We'll teach the adults proper safety and belaying technique: how to tie the knots and manage the safety ropes. There is no charge for those who are belaying only and not climbing, however, the number of belayers cannot exceed the number of paying climbers.

Booking Your Group

All first time visitors to the gym (climbers and belayers) under the age of 18 must have a Consent Form signed by their parent or legal guardian. You can download a copy of our Consent Form by clicking here.
To book your group, phone the gym at 549-0520. If you get theanswering machine, leave us your name and number and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Shaw Capital Management Boiler Room Tips: The Uk And The Budget: Shaw Capital Management Korea — In the UK it is obvious that there is no possibility of continuing with budget deficits of some 13% of GDP, the present prospect if no action is taken. Unfortunately however the recent UK Budget produced no credible plan for dealing with this problem. It swept it into the lap of the new government after the May election, whatever that government is. The UK and the Budget: Shaw Capital Management Korea. The UK cannot delude themselves that rapid resumed growth will lead to a rapid return of the previous revenue streams. UK growth in most forecasts, ours included, is projected as slow. In our view there is a good reason: the continuing shortage of oil and raw materials worldwide prevents rapid growth for the world as a whole and since emerging market economies are continuing to grow rapidly that restricts the growth possibilities in countries like the UK and other developed countries. We are already seeing inflation spread into China and otheremerging countries, forcing a tightening of policy. It seems likely that this tightening will be enough to restrain world growth to rates that will not push commodity prices much higher. Related Coverage Shaw Capital Management: South Korea's Economy China's Economy: By Shaw Capital Management Korea Taiwan's Economy: By Shaw Capital Management Korea Shaw Capital Management And Financing So even the fast-growing world economies are being forced to limit their growth ambitions; as for the UK they are achieving recovery, but hardly enthusiastic growth. All this will only change when innovation in raw material use has freed up net world supplies. Fortunately the flexibility of the UK labour market has restricted the jobs fallout. Unemployment has peaked below 8% (just over 5% on the benefit-claimant measure) as people have opted for wage freezes or cuts and shorter hours so there is underemployment but not the disaster of double-digit unemployment rates. But this environment is one in which tax revenues will not recover mu Apr 8, 2011

The Official Online Home of the Boiler Room Theatre | Williamso

We've been listening to you and think we've got a pretty good idea about what you want from live theater. We've heard you're ready for different shows, new shows, shows fresh from Broadway and Off Broadway - and until now, the shows you just couldn't see anywhere else in Middle Tennessee.
We've heard you like shows in comfortable, intimate theater spaces. With 120 comfy, movie-theater style seats you'll be close enough to see every nuance of the performance, but not so close you feel you're in the show.
We know you like professional shows, but are bored with the same sterile touring productions. We know you want live theater close to great restaurants along with plenty of free, well-lit parking.
We've got just the place for you.
In what was once the heart of a bustling manufacturing complex, a new life has formed. We discovered that the old boiler room building at The Factory at Franklin may have missed its calling years ago. With inherent charm, natural acoustics, exposed brick and beams, and nearly 40-foot ceilings, it's just been waiting for its time in the spotlight.
Come see the exciting transformation of a boiler room into the home of Williamson County's first resident professional theater.
The place? The Boiler Room Theatre. At the Factory at Franklin.

Boiler Room (film)

In 1999, Seth Davis (Ribisi) a 19-year-old college dropout who lives and runs an illegal but successful underground casino in his Queens apartment. Because of dropping out of college and running an illegal business to support himself, his father Marty (Rifkin), a New York Cityfederal judge disapproves of him and worries that Seth's criminal living may cost him his judgeship. In hopes to get on his father's good side, Seth joins J.T. Marlin, a brokerage firmbased somewhere on the Long Island Expressway, after Greg Weinstein (Katt) comes to his home to check out Seth's business and offers him a job at the firm. Seth agrees and becomes a trainee under Weinstein.
Everything seems to work out for Seth in the early days of his job. Arriving at J.T. Marlin, he learns from Jim Young (Affleck), one of the heads of the company, what he needs to do to become a millionaire working at the firm. Seth learns the ways of the company and does very well at his new job. He also embarks on a romance with Abbie Halpert (Long), an ex-girlfriend of Greg's, which Greg shows disapproval of and who often worries about her effect on his friends and workers. Seth also becomes part of the crowd of successful stock brokers, including Chris Varick (Diesel) and Richie O'Flaherty (Caan), and lives a high-life type of lifestyle with them, usually going out to restaurants with them and seeing their fights with other people. He hits a few snags though, including fights and arguments he has with Greg when Greg becomes too worried about Seth's explosively good work at his job, and when Seth closes down his casino because his employees don't appreciate their significantly increased salaries.